Sat, Sep 17, 20225 min read

The Pros and Cons of Working for a Ghostwriting Company

Nick SaraevWriter

You've likely heard of ghostwriting before, but what exactly is it? Ghostwriting is when a writer is hired to create content that will be published under another person's name. This may be a blog post, fiction or nonfiction book, speech, script, or even a social media caption.

While it may seem like a weird concept, it's actually pretty common. A surprising number of businesses and individuals hire ghostwriters to create content for them because they lack the time or skills to do it themselves.

An increasing number of ghostwriting companies are coming onto the scene, connecting writers with clients who need help creating high-quality content. These companies act as a middleman between writer and client, taking care of all the business and administrative tasks so writers can focus on doing what they do best.

If you come across ghostwriting companies hiring new writers, you may be wondering whether joining their team is a smart career move. Let's take a look at the pros and cons.

Pros of Working for a Ghostwriting Company

If you come across any ghostwriting companies hiring in your network, there are a few reasons why you should give serious thought to submitting an application.

Access steady writing work

First of all, joining a company is a great way to get steady work as a writer. If you've ever tried to go it alone as a freelancer, you probably know how challenging it can be to constantly have to find and arrange new work. Obviously, you aren’t paid for the time you spend scrolling through project postings and preparing applications!

Ghostwriting companies can provide you with a regular stream of projects, and the best companies will work to match you with clients whose projects suit your interests and skills. Often, you have the freedom to pick and choose which projects to take on.

 If a client is happy with your work, they may even give you repeat business, which can help you to establish a long-term relationship. And a good relationship with a client can lead to even more work down the line.

Enjoy flexible hours

Another key advantage of writing for a ghostwriting company is that you can often choose your own hours and work from home. This is a great perk if you have other commitments or simply want to have a more flexible lifestyle

Keep in mind that ghostwriting companies offer varying levels of flexibility. Some might allow you to govern your own working hours entirely and stay completely remote. As long as you have access to a computer and the internet, you can work from anywhere in the world.

However, other companies will expect you to participate in meetings and team-building sessions. Just be sure to ask upfront about the company’s expectations regarding your online and in-person availability.

Improve your skills

Working with a ghostwriting company can also help you to improve your writing skills. You'll get to work with a variety of different clients, on a range of different projects, and you'll quickly learn how to adapt your writing style to fit each one.

This is a valuable skill to have as a writer, and one that can only be gained through experience.

Moreover, because you're working with a company, you'll usually have access to editing and feedback from professionals. This can be a great way to learn and grow as a writer.

Fewer administrative tasks

Dealing with contracts and invoices can be a hassle, especially when you're just starting out as a freelance writer–it can be a  bit of a jungle out there, with clients often paying writers late or insisting on low rates.

A ghostwriting company can take those tedious administrative tasks off your plate and protect you from being exploited or treated unprofessionally.

You'll have the stability of a regular paycheck and the company will be responsible for making sure you get paid on time and in full.

Cons of Working for a Ghostwriting Company

Working for a ghostwriting company is not without its challenges. Here are just a few to keep in mind.

You may not love every client

For one, you may not have a lot of creative freedom when it comes to the projects you work on. You'll likely be given specific instructions from your client on what they want you to write about. 

In some cases, you may disagree with aspects of the brief, or simply find it uninspiring. While some clients may be receptive to your feedback and ideas, others may simply want you to execute their wishes.

This means there will be times when you need to put your opinions aside and deliver work you don’t personally feel interested in or proud of.

Lack of credit

Another downside is that you may not get credit for the work you do. Since your name won't be on the final product, it can be easy to feel like you're not getting the recognition you deserve.You’ll likely need to be able to put your ego aside on a regular basis.

It also means that if you want to use a piece for your portfolio, you may have to request permission from the company first.

A risk of burnout

Writing takes a great deal of creative energy and focus, and working for a ghostwriting company can leave you feeling sapped of energy. 

You'll probably be working on tight deadlines, and you may have to juggle multiple projects at once. This can be tough to manage, especially if you're not used to working under pressure.

If you’re a perfectionist about every project, you’ll be at risk of burning out. Try to manage your priorities and keep time aside for yourself to rest and recuperate each day.

In Summary

To find ghostwriting companies hiring in your field, search online job boards or contact a local writing organization. Be prepared to submit writing samples and a resume.

Finally, before you start working for a company, make sure you understand their business model. How do they pay their writers? What rights do you have to the work you produce? What are the company’s expectations for quality and turnaround time?

Fortunately, there are more ghostwriting companies out there now than ever before. If you find a company that suits your needs and have a positive attitude towards the challenges mentioned in this article, working for a ghostwriting company can be a great way to get started in the writing industry.

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